Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Christmas play

  From age 3 to 15 years old,  Emily went to school at the School for the Hearing Impaired in Marion.  The School services kids 3years old through 8th grade who are communication impaired.  Emily (and every other student in that school) participated in the annual Christmas play.
Bless the teachers, the aids, the secretary, the therapists, everyone who made this event possible for the kids and for their families!

   Having a child with a disability robs a parent of experiences that are otherwise taken for granted by parents of typical kids.  The Christmas play allowed me some of those experiences.  12 of those experiences, to be exact.   12 years I came to the school and watched Emily perform on that stage.  12 times watched her search the audience until she found me, and 12 times I heard her scream in delight "That's my mom!"   I wonder how many moms of typical kids have had that experience?
       One of these days, when we meet in heaven, I'll hear those words again.

Emily is the last kid on the right, in plaid - age 4

Emily's picture was in an article in the paper

Emily, 2nd from the right, just above the red cap

1st on the left, dressed as a present

2nd from the right, signing "stars in the sky"

                                                  far right - she found me in the audience!

In yellow.