Friday, October 19, 2012

Pappa Coonie's turtle story

     It all started in the summer of 2002.  Murl (AKA Pappa Coonie)  & Louise live on a edge of a pond.  In the spring, they were blessed with newly hatched ducklings.  But, one by one, turtles would pull the ducklings under the water to drown and eat them.  Murl was itching to get himself a turtle.
   Now, Louise had a ceramic turtle in her rock garden , and for a laugh, Ray put that turtle, as a decoy, on a log at the edge of the pond.
   When Murl got home and saw that turtle in the distance, he pulled out his rifle and shot it, not once, but twice, straight through the chest, exiting through the tail.  He was SO excited that he'd gotten a turtle.
 So started the legend of 'Precious, the turtle'.  I'll share just a few highlights of that turtle's life.
   'Precious, the turtle' has been auctioned off to the highest bidder at many of the family Christmas auctions, and has lived, for the following year, at each of the sibling's homes.  He was kidnapped & held for ransom, enduring 17 long days of captivity before being return unharmed. (the FBI got curious about those e-mails)  He was an honored guest at Murl & Louise's 50th anniversary celebration.  He found love with Myrtle, the Turtle on New Year's eve 2004.  Sadly, that relationship ended on Valentines day, 2005 with an introduction to a break-dancing turtle named Lucianda Maria Antoinette Delasantos. I could go on and on.
   Turtle inuendos still pop up anywhere, any time the Mileur's get together. 

    Another Mileur family tradition is the 'Annual Lessor Scaup 4th of July, Boat Regatta and Birthday celebration"!  Everybody creates a boat, and everybody gets an award!  The Legend of Precious the Turtle and the Annual Boat Regatta  became entwined several times.  Just look.

2005 -  Emily's boat  - "Please don't shoot me"
Award -  "Coonie's favorite"
2008 - our grandson Noah's boat - "The moving target"
Award - "Best kid's boat"
2008 - Monique's boat - "Turtles on Strike"
Award - Pappa Coonie's favorite"
2009 - Deb's boat " Grand Coonie Isle Turtle Farm"
Award - "Pappa Coonie's favorite"
   None of this would be funny if Murl had not been able to laugh at himself.  If it had been my father who had been in that original situation, who had mistakenly shot a ceramic turtle, the story would have had a very different ending.  It would not have been funny at all.  I wonder, what makes one person able to laugh during a situation, and another person angry?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne,

    Ha ha ha!!! I'm so glad you shared this family story! It's one of my all-time favorite Mileur stories!!! You know, I had never realized how many of the boat regatta entries had turtle themes! Too funny. I just LOVE our family!!! I need to come up with a turtle themed card & put this story in my blog sometime! (Any yes readers, it's true, the FBI did investigate because of the emails flying back & forth between our family that contained key words. For quite some time my emails were flagged!!! Kind of scary to think about actually.) Hmmm, haven't seen the turtle in quite a while. Wonder where he is.

    Peace, Love & Joy,
