During pregnancy, a genetic screening is routinely offered and is done at 16-18 weeks gestation. Down Syndrome is only one of the several congenital anomalies that can be detected before birth. If the blood test result is positive, an amniocentesis will confirm or rule out the diagnosis. Out of 10,000 pregnancies, 4-5 children will have down syndrome, and 91-93% of those mothers and fathers will choose to have an elective termination (AKA - a therapeutic termination, AKA - an abortion) rather than give birth to and raise a child with a disability.
While politicians and pro-choice groups talk, and talk and talk about women's rights, about when human life begins, and about quality of life, a prenatal massacre is going on, a genocide of a race of people who have a well defined set of characteristics and behaviors.
When a women signs the consent prior to the termination, when she refuses to accept the challenge set before her, does she really know what she's missing?
Does she know that:
-disability is not just a diagnosis - that it's just a matter of time for every single one of us?
-each "normal" person is also differently abled, and differently disabled?
-we are more alike than different?
-what doesn't kill her, will make her strong?
-having a baby with a disability will be the best 'worst thing' that has ever happened to her?
-she will count herself blessed to have been chosen to be this child's mother?
-she is not alone, there are many supports available?
-God never promised her a rose garden, He just promised to always be there?
-that the blessings will outweigh the cursings?
Tomorrow, we celebrate the 4th of July, Independence day, the birthday of a nation which was conceived with these words:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Remember the pre-born children who have been and who are still being sacrificed on the alters of selfishness, fear, and ignorance. Let it enrage you. Let it grieve you.
For more information, check out these sites
opposed to genocide of pre-born children with DS
wrongful birth lawsuit
guidelines for counseling parents
wrongful birth lawsuit
guidelines for counseling parents
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